Thank you for visiting my site. :) I'm honored to have some of your time and hope that we can connect in the future. Thoughts? Leave me a note below!

Artist Statement
Creating beauty from brokenness, and finding peace in the process. At the core of my work is my faith and themes of beauty, healing and hope. My creative process involves developing cyanotypes in the sun which are then used as an underpainting for layers of watercolor and mixed media. Nature is not only the subject of my work, but also plays an integral role in the creation of it. I often produce a few bodies of work per year consisting of multiple paintings that are grouped around specific themes and significant meanings. This allows me space to explore various subject matters within one theme. During research, play and production, new inspiration will arise and lead to the next body of work.

Why Art?
"Beauty is a necessity, not just a nicety." —Makoto Fujimura. Humans are drawn to beauty and subject matter that relates to their story or resonates with them in an emotional or experiential way. People desire artwork for their homes or places of being that mean something significant and elevates their space—making it more beautiful.

Em, an Erie based, artist-mother, creates meaningful paintings on paper with cyanotypes, watercolors and mixed-media. Em, originally from Buffalo, studied communications, art and psychology at Grove City College, and earned her Masters of Arts in Global Studies at Crown College. Painting has been a consistent practice in congruence with her studies and career.

In 2019 she answered her artist calling and launched her first collection. Since then, she has offered commissioned artworks, shown in multiple galleries, and launched successful collections online.

Em lives in Erie, PA with her husband and two daughters and finds her practice as a mother-artist is not limited to solitary studio time. Rather, art-making is interwoven into all of life. She works out of her home studio in the evenings with her family and also has a second studio in downtown Erie. Creating art is one of her purposes in life and she’s so glad to share it with you.


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